
Brothers, Sisters, Dinosaurs & Robots

Maggie Park

Mags - 9" x 12" - NFS (click to enlarge)

Moses Park

Moe - 9" x 12" - NFS (click to enlarge)

I finished these a little while back, but since I am handing these two off to Mike tomorrow at the Asian Man Records 13th year Anniversary Party in the Oakland A's Stadium, I finally got motivated to put these up. Monica Park was one of the first people to contact me about doing a commission, and here they are! She just told me to paint whatever, so I decided on a Dinosaur (duh) throwing a paper airplane to a Robot (double duh) who is catching it. I hope they like these, and I hope the kids they are named after (Maggie and Moses Park) will like them and enjoy having them on their walls as they get older.

I stole these from Monica's facebook page, I hope she doesn't mind, I just wanted to share with anyone who doesn't know the Parks how adorable their kids are:

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